Iframe API Reference
PLAYPlays or resumes the video.
PAUSEPauses the video.
SEEKSeeks the video to the value of data in seconds. data must be an int or float.
GO_TO_TAGSeeks the video to the starting time of the tag. data is the spriteId of the tag.
OPEN_TAGSeeks the video to the starting time of the tag and opens the overlay associated with that tag. data is the spriteId of the tag.
CLOSE_WIDGETCloses widget/overlay.
GET_CURRENT_TIMETriggers the return current time event.
IS_PLAYER_READYTriggers the player ready event if the player is ready.
MUTE_VOLUMEMute volume.
UNMUTE_VOLUMEUnmute volume.
CHANGE_VOLUMEChanges the volume. The data is a float between 0 and 1.
Note: CHANGE_VOLUME is not supported on iOS, as iOS does not allow to set volume programmatically. We recommend to use MUTE_VOLUME and UNMUTE_VOLUME instead.
This event is for customization only in Player 4. Player 5 no longer support this event.
Inform the player of the device motion. The device motion can be retrieved from the window event “devicemotion”. The data must have the following properties:
This event is for customization only in Player 4. Player 5 no longer support this event.
Inform the player of the device orientation. The device orientation can be retrieved from the window event “deviceorientation”.
The data must have the following properties:
This event is for customization only in Player 4. Player 5 no longer support this event.
Inform the player of the device screen orientation. The device screen orientation can be retrieved from the window event “orientationchange” .
The data must be one of the following values: -90
, 0
, 90
, 180
This event is for customization only in Player 4. Player 5 no longer support this event.
Event Listeners#
PLAYER_READYTriggered when the player is ready.
VIDEO_ENDTriggered when the video has ended.
HAS_PAUSEDTriggered when the video is paused.
HAS_PLAYEDTriggered when the video is played.
HAS_SEEKEDTriggered when the user seeks in the video. Passes information about the seeked to time to the callback.
Player 5 no longer support this event.
Triggered when the player starts buffering.
Player 5 no longer support this event.
Triggered the player has finished buffering.
TAG_CLICKTriggered when a tag is clicked. Passes the tag object which has been clicked through to the callback.
ADD_TO_CARTTriggered when an addToCart link is clicked (only for customisations where this has been implemented). Passes information about the added product to the callback.
RETURN_CURRENT_TIMETriggered when the getCurrentTime event is triggered. Passes information about the current time to the callback.
Note: Requesting the current time more than once per second might lead to player slowdown.
WIDGET_SHOWNTriggered when the widget/overlay is open.
Note: Only Player 5 will return hotspot meta data.
WIDGET_CLOSEDTriggered when the widget/overlay is closed.
Note: Only Player 5 will return hotspot meta data.
Player 5 no longer support this event.
Triggered when the volume is changed.
This event is only available in Player 5.
Triggered when "Add to cart" or "Clickthrough" buttons inside overlay are clicked.
Breaking Changes- Player 4 doesn't support
listener. - Player 5 no longer support trigger event
, customization features are implemented within Studio now. - Player 5 no longer support listener event
, because of tech stacks upgrade. - Player 5 no longer support